To make one mug cake, you will need:
- 1 tbsp margarine/butter
- 3 tbsp plain flour
- 1 tbsp caster sugar
- 6 squares of chocolate (I used dark chocolate for a richer chocolately flavour)
- Melt the butter in the mug.
- Add the chocolate, sugar and flour and stir well.
- Place back in the microwave and cook for consecutive 20 second slots until it reaches a cake like texture. This is so that you don't overcook it!
- Be careful when you come to eat as the mixture will be very hot!
I turned it out into a bowl to take a better picture! Although it might not be the most attractive looking dessert, it was literally the gooiest, tastiest cake mix!
What do you think?
Thanks for reading!
perfect idea for a special treat to yourself! x