Saturday, 4 April 2015

Feeding the ducks (and pigeons...)

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you are enjoying a lovely, relaxing weekend. What have you been up to? 

We went for a little walk yesterday around where we live to go and feed the ducks. However, most of the ducks seemed uninterested in what we had to offer and instead we got bombarded by a lot of very confident pigeons. Literally as soon as I got the bread out of my bag they appeared from nowhere! They also had no hesitation in hovering right in front of your face (I know the thought of that would fill some of my pigeon-phobic friends with dread!). 

Here are a few pictures:

zzzzz...sleeping ducks

Thanks for reading! Lauren x


  1. These pictures are so cute. 😊 🐤

    Amanda ||

  2. lovely pics Lauren - love seeing the ducks (and the pigeon who thinks it's a duck!) xx

  3. Fab pics Lauren huggles Sue xxx

  4. Aww the pics are lovely! And i am a pigeon phobic person lol so that would be horrific for me lol but the walk in the park sounds lovely and relaxing!! Xxx

    Anisha ♡


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